ExtIPA charts

Using the tabs at the top of the charts, you can select the pre-2015 or post-2015 extIPA charts. The former contains 36 disordered speech-sound items, and the latter augmented chart contains 66 items.


Press on a symbol to play the associated video. If a symbol is greyed out then an animation video is not yet available.

BilabialLabio-dentalLabio-alveolarDento-labialBidentalLinguo-labialInter-dentalAlveolarRetroflexPalatalVelarVelo-pharyngealUpper pharyngeal
Plosive t̪͆ d̪͆ 𝼂
Nasalm̳̊ m̥͆ n̼̊ n̪̥͆ n̪͆
Trillr̪͆𝼀 𝼀̬
Fricative, median h̪͆ ɦ̪͆θ̼ ð̼θ̪͆ ð̪͆θ͇ ð͇ʩ ʩ̬
Fricative, lateralɬ̼ ɮ̼ɬ̪͆ ɮ̪͆ ɭʒ𝼆 𝼆̬𝼄 𝼄̬
Fricative, lat. + med.ʪ ʫ
Fricative, nasalm̥͋ ɱ̥͋ ɱ͋n̥͋ ɳ̥͋ ɳ͋ɲ̥͋ ɲ͋ŋ̥͋ ŋ͋
Approxt., laterall̪͆