Speech sound animations

The vocal tract Consonants of English Sound groups Consonant comparisons

The vocal tract

Consonants of English

Click on a word to watch a video of how the consonant is produced.

LipsUpper teeth & lower lipTongue tipTongue frontTongue backTongue back & lipsVocal cords
Burst of airpat battot dotcot got
Fricativefit vatthink thoughsip zipship visionlochwhalehen
Burst of air with fricationcheap jeep
With lowered tongue sideslip

Sound groups

Place of articulation

The videos below show groups of sounds that are produced using the same parts of the mouth.

Manner of articulation

The videos below show groups of sounds that are produced in a similar manner, using different parts of the mouth.

Consonant comparisons

These animations compare consonants that are often substituted for one another in disordered speech, with the key consonant sounds occurring either at the beginning of a syllable, or between vowels. Videos of different speech sound comparisons are grouped under general speech sound processes.


Backing / fronting / velar realisations



Fricative simplification




Stopping of affricates